A time for Thanksgiving.

Every once in a while I become aware that many things are annoying me.

It usually starts with clerks, moves on to other drivers and gradually expands to eventually include such controllable things as the weather, the stock market, my children and of course my wife.

I’m never certain just how this state of grump begins. Nothing dramatic seems to occur prior to onset. As far as I am concerned life is proceeding normally, but gradually I notice a familiar pattern developing. Wherever I go I seem to leave a trail of individuals who are not the least bit sorry to see me leave.


From my perspective it seems obvious that this condition is precipitated by the actions of others. Previously polite staff in banks and cleaning depots become inexplicably surly. Usually courteous drivers turn into idiots, the clouds roll in to block out the sun, everything I invest in tanks and the members of my family become neglectful, uncaring individuals who stubbornly refuse my learned advice.

In time either my wife or one of my closer friends will tire of my behavior and suggest that it’s time I got back on the sunny side of the street.

My wife’s favorite trick is to suggest that I, “tell that clerk in the cleaners just who you are.” It’s her way of letting the air out of my over inflated ego.

Unfortunately there are times when this kind of behavior goes unchecked for a length of time which allows it to be carried into the office environment. Managers then start making life uncomfortable for subordinates who are unlikely to risk either paycheck or status by attempting to bring Mr. Pompous back to reality.

Ideally managers and particularly sales managers are mature, balanced individuals who recognize that their behavior sets the tone for the staff and understand that a positive atmosphere in the workplace normally translates into success.

The reality is that we are all “just folks” and therefore are subject to mood swings and external stimuli with negative consequences. The trick is to be aware of them and make every effort to keep your momentary misery to yourself.

Most of us can alleviate these down times by briefly reviewing our situation.

Traditionally, the fall season marks a return to full time work. Fridays are starting to look like full days again. Many broadcasters are staring at the start of a new fiscal. Kids are back in class and staff vacations are over . Traffic is brutal.

There is a feeling of getting down to business. For many it is also a time of thanksgiving . It’s a good time to take more than a moment to reflect on your good fortune. Most of us in the broadcast community have good jobs, interesting jobs with good incomes and fair working conditions with enlightened (albeit occasionally grumpy) employers who provide opportunities to advance.

Our coworkers are good people , well trained and eager to learn more .We work hard but we also have a laugh together often. We function well as a team and can work together to enhance our career as well as grow the business.

This industry is an exciting one, with truly amazing potential. Most of the people I meet who aren’t employed in some aspect of broadcasting/new media envy people who are. It’s where the action is.

Many of my friends could hardly wait to retire from their jobs. Retirement never appealed to me . It still doesn’t. The business of broadcast was too interesting.

Deep down, I know the remedy for my bouts of ill humour is a measure of gratitude for the blessings of family and friends, home and health.
